Facebook Fan Check inside of questfox with market research features

Working in the field of social interaction requires to check a participant’s fan status on Facebook from time to time.
It is now possible to use market research screen-out features inside of questfox based on the Facebook fan status of a person.

The status can be checked using the Quota Management functions in INVITE.

Everyone who is or is not a fan of a defined Facebook page can be automatically be blocked from taking part in the interaction.

These are the settings:

  1. Type in the name of the facebook fansite (ex. on screen quizfox)
  2. Set the desired status to check (No Fan equals 0 /Fan equals 1)
  3. Type in the text for the people who are screened out.

Checking Facebook Fan Status in Market Research with questfox



Screen out Text for NON-Fans of a facebook page


Using this feature would also allow to exclude fans from taking part in a social web (Foegate).

Share your experience with us and www.questfox.com.

New questfox website online

Finally a new website went online yesterday during the swiss national holiday.

Hope that you like our new design


questfox manual updated

A new version of the questfox manual is uploaded.

You will find the updated handbook inside your project on the upper right side.

Click on  to access the handbook.

We know that some topics are still not covered by the manual, but we are working on it.